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Mezzanine floors systems

mezzanine self stockage


Self Storage platform systems are self-supporting, removable and designed to perfectly coexist within the structure of your building.

MSS offers four platforms configurations which consist of metallic structure with a wooden floor or steel slats floor, structural load-bearing walls with wood or metal finishes, or in concrete cast in a steel tray.



Island Decks systems

mezzanine self stockage plateforme self stockage

The island deck system is designed to double your surface using the unit structure of the ground floor as the carrier of the first floor.

This system is favorable in the case where the free height of your building is insufficient for a traditional floor.

The great advantage with this system is that the ground floor and the upper levels are all in the same volume. This helps to save on installing lights, heating, alarm etc…

For more information, contact us at the following address:
info@multi-storage-systems.com, or by phone : +33 612 883 957
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